templates/content/Portal.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
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  98.                               {% set show = true %}
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  193.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-two.webp" alt="Rainbow Evaporated Milk - Lite" />
  194.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-three.png" alt="Rainbow Milk - Lite" />
  195.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-four.png" alt="Rainbow Milk - Original" />
  196.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-five.png" alt="Rainbow Evaporated Milk - Original" />
  197.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-six.webp" alt="Rainbow Milk - Original Quality Milk" />
  198.                 </div>
  199.                 <p class="text-center karak-serving-text">في خدمتك منذ عام 1955</p>
  200.             </div>
  201.         {% else %}
  202.             <div class="m-image-sections">
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  205.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-two.webp" alt="Rainbow Evaporated Milk - Lite" />
  206.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-three.png" alt="Rainbow Milk - Lite" />
  207.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-four.png" alt="Rainbow Milk - Original" />
  208.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-five.png" alt="Rainbow Evaporated Milk - Original" />
  209.                     <img src="/static/assets/images/design-six.webp" alt="Rainbow Milk - Original Quality Milk" />
  210.                 </div>
  211.                 <p class="text-center karak-serving-text">Serving you since 1955</p>
  212.             </div>
  213.        {% endif %}
  214.     </div>
  215. </section>
  216. <!--End World of Karak Section-->
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  221.         <h1 class="sub-xl-heading">{{ pimcore_input("AddMagictoYourHomeCookingwithRainbow") }}</h1>
  222.         <p class="para">{{ pimcore_input("WhetheritsBreakfastLunchDinnerorSpecialOccasionfindarecipereadyforyoutotryDiscoverdeliciousnesswitheveryRainbowproduct") }}</p>
  223.       </div>
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  229.             </div>
  230.           </div>
  231.         </div>
  232.       </div>
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  298.             </div>
  299.             <!--End Rating Star-->
  300.             <div class="serving-info">
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  302.                 <li class="time">{{featured.time}} {{"mins"|trans }}</li>
  303.                 {% if featured.serving_options.Items[0].serving == '1' %}
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  306.                   <li class="serve">{{featured.serving_options.Items[0].serving}} {{ featured.serving_options.Items[0].serving2 ? '- ' ~ featured.serving_options.Items[0].serving2 : '' }}{{"Servings"|trans }}</li>
  307.                 {% endif %}
  308.               </ul>
  309.             </div>
  310.             <div>
  311.               <p>{{featured.short_description|striptags}}</p>
  312.             </div>
  313.           </div>
  314.         </div>
  315.      {% endfor %}
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  320.         <i class="icon-dish"></i>
  321.         <span>{{"ViewallRecipes"|trans }}</span>
  322.       </a>
  323.     </div>
  324.   </div>
  325. </section>
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  327. <!--End Recipe of the Day Section-->
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  425.     <!-- <p data-aos="zoom-in-up"> We’ve been at the heart of kitchens across the Middle East since 1955. Rainbow means rich taste and quality, every time. It means products made with fresh milk, sourced from healthy cows in the lush pastures of Europe.</p> -->
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  491.     computed: {
  492.       listProducts() {
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  499.           console.log('Categorized filtered prod data', products);
  500.           // return this.our_products[this.selectCat];
  501.           // ;
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  503.           for (index in this.our_products) {
  504.             products = [...products, ...this.our_products[index]]
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  506.           // console.log("After for loop", products);
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  514.           // console.log("initial Prod Data After Reverse",products);
  515.         }        
  516.         return products;
  517.       }
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